Fetaque Sanders Master Magician Poster

Fetaque Sanders Master Magician PosterA 11.75"x16.75" two-color poster featuring a large image of Fetaque (Fe-Take) Sanders and a series of five small images of him performing live. Text on the poster promises "New Jokes," "New Tricks" and featuring "Chopping A Girl's Head Off." The top of the unused poster has room for the show information that would usually be filled in by the local theater. The poster is not dated but is most likely from 1931-1958 when Sanders was at his peak.

=== SOLD OUT ===

Fetaque Sanders, Magician Poster

Fetaque Sanders, Magician PosterA 11.50"x16.50" two-color poster featuring a large image of Fetaque (Fe-Take) Sanders on the phone with a ghost peeking behind him. This well known image which was also used to promote his spook shows was once the subject of a newspaper article which interviewed children after the show that said they were disappointed that Sanders did not produce ghosts. Text on the poster promises "New Tricks," and "New Jokes." The top of the unused poster has room for the show information that would usually be filled in by the local theater. The poster is not dated but is most likely from 1931-1958 when Sanders was at his peak.

=== SOLD OUT ===

The Fetaque Sanders Spook Show Poster

The Fetaque Sanders Spook Show PosterA 5.75"x16.25" two-color poster featuring an image of Fetaque (Fe-Take) Sanders on the phone with a ghost peeking over his shoulder. Text on the poster promises "Every Year A Different Program!", "Now featuring the friendliest ghost ever to leave the graveyard!!" and "Fun for Everyone." The bottom of the unused poster has room for the show information that would usually be filled in by the local theater. The poster is not dated but is most likely from 1931-1958 when Sanders was at his peak.

=== SOLD OUT ===

Fetaque Sanders World's Finest Magic Show Poster

Fetaque Sanders World's Finest Magic Show PosterA 8.50"x12" two-color poster featuring two overlapping images of Fetaque (Fe-Take) Sanders and an illustration of a skeleton and a bat. Text on the poster promises "World's Finest Magic Show," "New Jokes," and "New Tricks." The top of the unused poster has room for the show information that would usually be filled in by the local theater. The poster is not dated but is most likely from 1931-1958 when Sanders was at his peak.

Fetaque Sanders World's Finest Magic Show Poster US $10.00
Two Fetaque Sanders Magic Show Flyers

Two Fetaque Sanders Magic Show FlyersTwo different 6"x8.25" two-color flyers featuring a photograph of Fetaque (Fe-Take) Sanders. Text on the flyers promise "You must see …the new Fetaque Sanders magic show. Direct from New York City." The difference between the two flyers is that in one of them Sanders is sporting four eyes. The top of the unused flyers have room for the show information that would usually be filled in by the local theater. The flyer is not dated but is most likely from 1931-1958 when Sanders was at his peak.

=== SOLD OUT ===

Fetaque Sanders Good Luck Flyer

Fetaque Sanders Good Luck FlyerA 5.50"x8.50" black and white photo/flyer featuring a photograph of Fetaque (Fe-Take) Sanders with the phrase "Good Luck" on the bottom. This was probably a give-away souvenir given at his shows. The flyer is not dated but is most likely from 1931-1958 when Sanders was at his peak.

=== SOLD OUT ===

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